God says “I am giving you easy access!”

God says, “I have given you easy access to everything you need.”

One of the most beautiful things about being a Christian is that God equips us overtime. What do I mean? Every season in our life is shaping us and molding us for the next season. Just like when you play a game, you have to gain certain skills to get to the next level. It’s like God does the same thing. He gives us those things to make us stronger for the next phase in our lives.

God says, “I have given you easy access.”

easy access

God has given us easy access to the abundant glory, presence, and love that we can’t find in the natural world. You can look all around you and still fail to find the true fulfillment. You may find temporary fulfillment but not true fulfillment with everlasting love, joy, and peace. You can’t find that down here. When you read Ecclesiastes, you will see exactly what I mean. The beginning of Ecclesiastes elaborates on vanity and how you cannot find that fulfillment in life. When we look “under the sun” as it states we will find vanity and just temporary fulfillment. But I love the way it says that when we look “beyond the sun” that’s where we will find wonderful things like peace, joy, happiness.

Easy access by God is the answer to life’s most difficult questions, the word. Easy access is emotional and spiritual healing when nothing else around helps. Easy access is when everyone gives up on you and you feel left alone and then you look “beyond the sun.” Easy access is closing your eyes and talking to the Father and immediate peace comes over your life. Easy access is love that will never let go. Easy access is the Holy Spirit that seals into your heart as soon as you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Easy access is awesome. Easy access is the best. Easy access is better than anything else around.

God says “I am giving you easy access!”

Aren’t you thankful for God’s easy access?

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