What’s it Like to Be Saved?

What’s it Like to Be Saved?

By: Ariel Mobley

I wonder what it’s like to be saved.
Christians say do it before the grave.
But I can’t tell you hard it is to say,
I believe in something I’ll see someday

I wonder what it’s like to be saved.
This is my thought every single day.
I wonder which way,
That’s right that forces me to not delay.

The thoughts and decisions that all must be done.
They say that victory is won
And that death is defeated beyond the grave?

I wonder what it’s like to be saved.
To read a book that was made
Many years ago with so many stories.
Page after page
Prophecies of yesterday, tomorrow, and today?

I wonder what’s it like to be saved.
I know that it takes some faith.
To know and believe
But how can something bigger than me
Forgive me, see me, and love me.
How can that be?

I wonder what it’s to be saved.
I finally made it to church today!
I heard the Word
And felt a stir.
I walked down the aisle
Shook hands with the preacher and smiled.
I want to walk the journey of a Christian and say,

“I know what it’s like to be saved!”

If you would like to be saved, please say this prayer and follow the steps below!

Lord Jesus,

Today is the day that I would like to accept you into my heart. I ask for you to forgive me of all of my sins whether known or unknown. Wash me in your blood and make me into a new person. I want to be transformed by you. I believe that you are the son of God. I believe that you died on the cross for all of my sins. Today I would like to dedicate my life to glorifying your name.

Change me, shape me, and mold me into the person you would like for me to be. You are the King of my heart and the shepherd of my life. Thank you for all that you have done for me. I love you!

In Jesus Name, Amen!

If you have prayed this prayer, please seek out a local church to get baptized and to let them know that you have accepted the call to join the Christian journey. After that, please seek a great study bible that will help you on your Christian journey to learn more about your Saviour-Jesus Christ. No, this journey is not easy, but it is well worth it.

You are loved.

You are loved so much that God-the creator of the universe has sent His son to come down in human form to become sin to save you!

You are just that special to Him.

If you have prayed the prayer above, please comment below so I can celebrate with you!!