What’s it Like to Be Saved?

What’s it Like to Be Saved?

By: Ariel Mobley

I wonder what it’s like to be saved.
Christians say do it before the grave.
But I can’t tell you hard it is to say,
I believe in something I’ll see someday

I wonder what it’s like to be saved.
This is my thought every single day.
I wonder which way,
That’s right that forces me to not delay.

The thoughts and decisions that all must be done.
They say that victory is won
And that death is defeated beyond the grave?

I wonder what it’s like to be saved.
To read a book that was made
Many years ago with so many stories.
Page after page
Prophecies of yesterday, tomorrow, and today?

I wonder what’s it like to be saved.
I know that it takes some faith.
To know and believe
But how can something bigger than me
Forgive me, see me, and love me.
How can that be?

I wonder what it’s to be saved.
I finally made it to church today!
I heard the Word
And felt a stir.
I walked down the aisle
Shook hands with the preacher and smiled.
I want to walk the journey of a Christian and say,

“I know what it’s like to be saved!”

If you would like to be saved, please say this prayer and follow the steps below!

Lord Jesus,

Today is the day that I would like to accept you into my heart. I ask for you to forgive me of all of my sins whether known or unknown. Wash me in your blood and make me into a new person. I want to be transformed by you. I believe that you are the son of God. I believe that you died on the cross for all of my sins. Today I would like to dedicate my life to glorifying your name.

Change me, shape me, and mold me into the person you would like for me to be. You are the King of my heart and the shepherd of my life. Thank you for all that you have done for me. I love you!

In Jesus Name, Amen!

If you have prayed this prayer, please seek out a local church to get baptized and to let them know that you have accepted the call to join the Christian journey. After that, please seek a great study bible that will help you on your Christian journey to learn more about your Saviour-Jesus Christ. No, this journey is not easy, but it is well worth it.

You are loved.

You are loved so much that God-the creator of the universe has sent His son to come down in human form to become sin to save you!

You are just that special to Him.

If you have prayed the prayer above, please comment below so I can celebrate with you!!

I Went to the Window to Pray

I Went to the Window to Pray

By: Ariel Mobley

I went to the window to pray.
I know this will be a hard day.
I begged God to help me through
Not knowing what He is going to do.

I went to the window to pray.
I feel like giving up today.
This side of the path is really hard.
My faith is low and my heart is scarred.

I went to the window to pray.
Things will get better someday.
If only I knew exactly when.
So, I could have my joy again.

I went to the window to pray.
Lord, I am begging you today.
I am trying so hard to trust in you.
But please God, please help me through.

I went to the window to pray.
I got a call today.
I desperately want the outcome to be
Good news for my heart to feel free.

I went to the window to pray.
I am thankful for another day.
I am so grateful to serve a God
Who shows up no matter the time- even or odd.

Oh, My Sweet Anointed Child

Oh, my sweet, anointed child
You will never know
How my love is greater than any man,
Family, friend, or foe

Oh, my sweet, anointed child,
I see your worship and praise
Your heart makes me smile
Once you stumble, I give you grace

Oh, my sweet, anointed child
Don’t become of this world
My son will soon return for you
Where Heaven is finished and pearled

Oh, my sweet, anointed child
Never forget my word
My word is full of strength and truth
To keep your heart a stirred

Oh, my sweet, anointed child
Please share the good news
To your siblings, family, and friends
So, they will walk through Heaven with you

-Ariel Mobley

What’s Your Gift to Jesus?

The story of Jesus’ birth is very unique, sweet, and beautiful. However, when we think of anyone’s birth story, Jesus’ is very different. The trials and tribulations that Mary and Joseph went through just to find a place for the night is something that most parents don’t experience awaiting their baby’s arrival. This makes us think. Even though Jesus-our Savior and King came into the world, he brought love, sacrifice, and hope. These three things began from his birth until his death. Love, sacrifice, and hope are also three gifts He left when He was crucified on the cross.

Jesus, a man yet human and divine brought these three gifts to all humanity no matter the generation, location, or history. Yet, there’s so many recipients of these three gifts yet give nothing in return.

I am aware that we all come from different backgrounds, experiences, and traumas that may stand in the way salvation. Though my hope and prayer is that those that receive these three gifts will accept them and reciprocate the love and heart back to our Savior. These gifts were not given to humanity to just sit. They were given to be used and help us have a closer and more intimate relationship with our Creator. Past generations in the Old Testament did not have a distinct relationship outside of the chosen ones whom God communicated with. When Jesus was born any and everyone had the chance to communicate and connect with God in human form. How powerful is that?

If you are reading this and you are not saved, I want you to know that God came down in human form as Jesus Christ over 2,000 years ago. Christmas season is a time we celebrate his birth and coming into the world for which He saved humanity. I pray that you accept Him-Jesus Christ in your heart today. You can pray this prayer below.

Lord Jesus,

Today is the day that I would like to accept you into my heart. I ask for you to forgive me of all of my sins whether known or unknown. Wash me in your blood and make me into a new person. I want to be transformed by you. I believe that you are the son of God. I believe that you died on the cross for all of my sins. Today I would like to dedicate my life to glorifying your name.

Change me, shape me, and mold me into the person you would like for me to be. You are the King of my heart and the shepherd of my life. Thank you for all that you have done for me. I love you!

In Jesus Name, Amen!

If you have prayed this prayer, please seek out a local church to get baptized and to let them know that you have accepted the call to join the Christian journey. After that, please seek a great study bible that will help you on your Christian journey to learn more about your Saviour-Jesus Christ. No, this journey is not easy, but it is well worth it!

The Abandoned Love

What causes the heart to feel lonely? What causes the heart to feel down?

The heart leads to emotions that cause for the human to desire for the returning love. Though the heart awaits for the reciprocated love it can be left with emptiness in return.

It’s like reaching for someone’s hand only for them to turn away. I experienced this in my moment of singleness only to soon realize that this is how God must feel when we deny his love. I distinctly heard the words, “That’s how I feel.”

He created us, loved us, and sent His son for us only to look away and forget that He’s there. When we put other things and people in front of Him and ignore His words and outreaching love, we are turning away from Him instead of walking towards Him. I can only imagine the hurt he feels as the CREATOR to witness so many of His children deny and ignore His love though He never fails to continue to bless us. Scripture shows the book of Isaiah He gives His children both good and bad promises but always states that He looks away for a moment. It’s said to think of the reality that there people out there who look away…for a lifetime.

For those of us that realize this, it’s time for us to say, “I’m so sorry God! I love you and need you.”

-Ariel Mobley
Joel 2:13
“And rend your heart and not your garments.”
Now return to the Lord your God,
For He is gracious and compassionate,
Slow to anger, abounding in lovingkindness
And relenting of evil.”

Hosea 14:1
“Return, O Israel, to the Lord your God,
For you have stumbled because of your iniquity.”

Zechariah 1:3
“Therefore say to them, ‘Thus says the Lord of hosts, “Return to Me,” declares the Lord of hosts, “that I may return to you,” says the Lord of hosts.”

Nehemiah 1:9
“But if you return to Me and keep My commandments and do them, though those of you who have been scattered were in the most remote part of the heavens, I will gather them from there and will bring them to the place where I have chosen to cause My name to dwell.”
Jeremiah 24:7
“I will give them a heart to know Me, for I am the Lord; and they will be My people, and I will be their God, for they will return to Me with their whole heart.”

Lamentations 3:40
“Let us examine and probe our ways, And let us return to the Lord.”

Source: https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/Returning-To-God

Have You Had Your Date with Jesus?

Have you had your date with Jesus?

I often think of this phrase when I get so caught up in everything I’m doing. I find myself tackling anxiety and the worries of the day on my own. I often forgot how all I have to do is remember God’s word, think of His promises, and whisper His name into the atmosphere.

I can’t imagine how God feels. To constantly love and give only to have His creation forget. So many people forget about Him yet worship His creation instead. Yet the creator full of love, strategies, and the answers to all things beyond our human understanding surrounds us.

Have you had your date with Jesus?
He is seated at His throne in Heaven watching, looking, and knowing of the sacrifice that still stands today. Yet… we abandon Him and still…forget.

When we forget about that, we forget about the promises and miracles that come along with His word. Then that knock on the door of our heart still stands only to be abandoned and forgotten about in the distance.

There’s so much we are missing. If only we just sit still at His feet and worship. If only we just sit at His feet and give Him all of our worries that we cannot handle. If only we look up to see all of the goodness, grace, and love that He offers that will always be greater than what we have below.

Have you had your date with Jesus?
Just get on your knees and pray. Thank Him for the day. Thank Him that He hears the words that escape your spirit when you’re hurt, angry, and joyful. He smiles when you laugh and hurts when you cry. If only you would look up and see what you have all around you.

Grab your bible and open your heart. That seat at the table has your name on it. He is waiting for you yearning just to hear your voice. Don’t escape His love.

Have you had your date with Jesus?
Have you?

My Favorite Christian Songs to Kickstart the New Year!

Spreading God's Love One Heart at a Time

We have embarked upon another year. 2021 can be new, fun, and exciting when you decide to put mind over matter to have it that way. Life can get really hard and discouraging at times. However, just remember to keep God first and take it one day at a time. Below are a list of my favorite Christian songs to give you hope and build your faith for the new year!

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My Favorite Christian Songs to Kickstart the New Year!

We have embarked upon another year. 2021 can be new, fun, and exciting when you decide to put mind over matter to have it that way. Life can get really hard and discouraging at times. However, just remember to keep God first and take it one day at a time. Below are a list of my favorite Christian songs to give you hope and build your faith for the new year!

Some Things I Learned Reading The Whole Bible in 2020

For years, I have made it a goal to read my entire bible. There have been some books that I read during my time in college but it still seemed a little distant from me. I would pick the bible up and randomly select a book or scripture to read and put it back down. I will also admit-sadly that I would google a scripture that I have heard of to find what exact book it has come from as well.

Now don’t get me wrong. I have been a Christian all my life. Bible study and Sunday school were always important but I always learned about the bible in bits and pieces. For instance, the four gospels were important and I would learn about specific stories and read about them over the years. So after attending a Christian college over the past year, I was assigned pretty much the whole bible to read over the course my classes. Between attending the classes and being at home for a little more time than usual-when we were all quarantined, I have become obsessed with learning more about His Word. The end of the year was vastly approaching and all I had left to read were the poetic books like-Job, Psalm, Proverbs, etc. and the prophets-Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, etc. So as the countdown to the New Year approached, I was getting closer and closer to my goal.

So here are some life lessons I learned from reading the whole bible in 2020.

  1. God’s Word repeats and does not contradict

One of the first things I learned attending some bible classes were that you can’t study the bible from a 2020 Western culture perspective. It will always seem out of the ordinary and there are things that will never make sense. I found that you must study the bible through the biblical time, culture, and politics that took place. After focusing on those key themes, you will discover that there’s so much symbolism that takes place through the stories, poetry, and references.

Therefore, the bible repeats more so than contradict itself. Prophecies, sayings, proverbs, and poems are just a few of the many things that become repetitive. I believe that it repeats for a reason. Themes and symbols along with the many different things that have taken place repeat for us to get the bigger picture-God is in control. A lot of Moses life aligns with Jesus’ life. I think this is shared for a reason. As readers, we need to really dive into what is more important instead of just reading the word itself.

2. God loves humanity-SOOO MUCH!!!

God has been in pursuit of humanity since His first creation. I always understood it. However, I have never known it to be far more than I could have ever imagined. It is so amazing to read and learn about ALL of the many mistakes humanity has made and yet He STILL loves us despite of it. Yes, He does punish us. Yes, He does correct us but it is done because He loves us.

Proverbs 3:11-12 states, “My son, do not despise the Lord’s discipline, and do not resent his rebuke,  because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in.” When the Israelites and the people of Judah were exiled through the Assyrians and Babylonians, this was not done “just because” or through hate. All of this occurred because God spoke, warned, and tried to correct His people but they never listened. They continued to worship idols and forsake Him. He did turn His face away from the for 70 years. However, He still sent His prophets to speak a word of hope an restoration to get them through the years. Through His abundance of love, He punished and corrected His people so they would come back to Him.

Remember, God is a jealous God. He does not want anything to be put higher than Him.

3. God does not break His promises

Everything that has been said in the bible has come to pass or has not as of yet. This does not mean that we doubt Him. This simply means that we are to wait patiently for Him to act.

4. We must trust in Him

There are so many times God has spoken for us to trust Him. The books of Job and Habakkuk and the story of Gideon are all examples that we must trust in Him through any and every season we go through. If we don’t trust Him, it makes the journey harder. He knows exactly what He’s doing. We must trust and believe in Him because like in point 3-He does not break His promises.

5. There’s so much history in the bible

Some years ago, I remember learning about some things mentioned in the bible in my Western Civilizations college course. After taking some biblical classes and reading the bible, I have found that there’s so much history in His word. I find this fascinating as these miracles and messages were first passed through word of mouth. This is evident that the bible is proof that God is real! Think about it. If any of those events were not true, it would not have been written down and there would have been people to deny it before it was written.

6. There’s so much symbolism in the bible

The bible is to be read literally. However, there are lot of sections that have underlying meanings. This has shown me that reading the bible should not be a one time thing. I have learned that you must read the bible over and over again our life perspective constantly changes. I have read some passages at 21 that has stood out to me and helped me even more at the age of 26. The fact that there’s symbolism, life lessons, and stories show me that the bible is a must have, must read book. This book should be kept close to our hearts.

There’s so much more to learn from the word of God.

7. You will not understand everything the first time around

The bible can be a very complex book to read. There will be plenty of sections to read that will be easier to read than others. However, that doesn’t mean you stop reading it. This just means that you will need to reread these sections and seek commentaries or summaries to better understand what that passage is saying.

8. We ARE capable of reading the bible

It wasn’t until I was about 80% through the bible that I discovered that I really could do it. All I had to do was organize my time. As I was focusing on my time management, I discovered that my heart was set on fire for God. My heart was hearing the words of the Almighty God. My heart was becoming one with my Creator. Most of all, I was able to spend countless hours in communion with Him.

Overall, I have learned so many lessons from reading the entire bible. One thing I do know for sure, is that I will ensure that it will not only be the first and last time I will do this.

I have heard over the years that the bible is God’s love letter to His people and it is so true. The bible is full of God’s words, promises, and expression of His love. After reading it, I know how much I am loved and valued. I can feel His presence as my heart is overwhelmed by all that He has done for me.

I have learned and will always be grateful for His word.

What About THE WORD?

If you have time, please tune in above to the entire 47 minutes. This young man’s testimony will bring you both peace and conviction.

It’s amazing how His experience becomes evidence to God’s word.

There are a lot of people that may deny one’s experiences just to ration their own lifestyle. However, the Word of God stands firm on what it says. There’s no “buts” or grey areas in between.

I’m in the midst of taking some biblical classes and one of the main things that I have gotten out of learning about the Word is, the bible does not contradict itself. All my life I always heard unbelievers say, “Well, if you tell me God is real, why does the bible contradict itself?” I even read different passages and thought to myself, “Wait, it said something different in Luke or Mark!” Then I learned something, the way to learn about the Word of God is by learning about the different perspectives, politics, and the culture at that time.

Things may seem to be thousands of years ago and vastly different than our society today when actually, that is completely incorrect. There are various perspectives and symbols God used through these writers and prophets that help both past and future generations. God is so wise. It is truly amazing how wise He is.

So, when I saw this video, I was amazed at this guy’s story. I was amazed to hear how symbolic his experiences were. His experiences align to the Word and that is something that is simply unforgettable.

1 Corinthians 1:25

“For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength.”

God knows exactly what He’s doing. This is something that will never change!

So will you strive to become a Christ follower on fire for God? Will you chose the comfort of His Holy Spirit and presence?

Or will you choose what society and the world delegates as a “fruitful and prosperous” lifestyle striving for the riches of the natural world that will leave you thirsty but never fulfilled?